Many people have small yards and are looking for ways to improve their space. While it’s true that landscaping in a small yard can be slightly more challenging than dealing with a large one, there are many things you can do in order to ensure that your yard reflects your personal style and is functional as well. Remember that anytime you’re taking on a large home project, such as landscaping your yard, it’s best to consult with landscape architect before moving forward. However, regardless of how you approach your landscaping project, the key is making it your own. In this article, we will discuss the ways in which you can maximize your space and make a truly unique and beautiful landscape design.
1) Use Height
Though your yard may be small, the sky is literally the limit. Try using height in order to enhance your landscaping design. One of the best ways to do this is by using a green wall. A green wall is essentially any structure which has plants growing vertically on it. You can use one of the exterior walls of your house or utilize another structure such as a terrace. You can also hang wall planters on a bare wall in order to add height to your display. Just ensure that the pots you’re using have flat back and are strong enough to be hung on your wall.
2) Try Container Gardens
In addition, sometimes the reason there isn’t much space for landscaping in your yard is because the soil isn’t conducive to a garden or because the majority of the land is covered with pavement. If this is the case, you can still have fun with your outdoor display. Try utilizing containers to create your garden. Just remember that you should position plants in such a way that they are receiving the right amount of natural sunlight for their species.
3) Play With Your Lighting
Another way to spruce up your smaller yard is by using creative lighting. You can utilize string lights to light up your yard in a number of ways. Try using icicle lights to line your backyard windows or rooftop. In addition, you can string larger lights overhead, such as LED C7 or C9 lights, connecting them to your home or trees, in order to create an overall illuminated look.
4) Organize Your Tools
In addition, an excellent way to add charm and organization to your landscaping display is by being creative with your storage. You can use a vintage chest to house your tools, minimizing clutter and adding a comforting, antiquated look to your display. In addition, you can hang your tools on the outside of your home in order to maintain organization and add charm to your landscaping design.
5) Include a Small Fountain
Fountains are a wonderful way to spruce up your outdoor landscaping design. Luckily, fountains aren’t only for large yards. Rather, you can use a petite fountain in your yard to create a centerpiece for your design.
6) Use What You Have
In addition, with small yards, it’s important to make use of the things you already have available. For example, you can use an old stump in your backyard as a beautiful planter. You can also make use of the trees in your yard to brighten up your display by wrapping string lights around the trunk. In addition, try using antique vases and other containers for potting in order to add a vintage flair to your design.
7) Make Use of Your Side Yard
Often side yards are passed up when it comes to outdoor design. However, if you have a small yard, it’s important to make use of all the space available to you. This includes playing up your side yard. Make sure to take the time to continue your landscaping design in your side yard in order to create a larger display that surrounds your entire home.
8) Make Sure to Leave Space
One of the most common mistakes people make when landscaping their small yards is overcrowding. Remember that when it comes to any small space, the key is making it appear as open as possible. This will allow for a natural flow and will make your yard seem larger. Thus, when landscaping your small yard, be sure that you’re leaving some open space in your yard or on your patio. This will make your yard seem larger and will help you to avoid clutter and the need for excess maintenance.
When it comes to landscaping, there are many options, even when dealing with limited space. It’s important to keep in mind that you don’t overcrowd your space, but rather use creative ideas such as a green wall or hanging potted plants in order to add height to your design. This will keep your yard well-organized and will allow you to keep up with maintenance easily. In addition, your yard will appear bigger when using height and leaving space. The key is to focus on small, noticeable displays that don’t take up much space but make a big statement.
Keep in mind that it’s always best to consult with a reputable landscape architect before pursuing your landscaping project. However, regardless of how you decide to approach your project, remember that the key is to be yourself and embrace your own personal style.