If you’re considering buying double glazing for your home, it’s important to know about the type of windows available, the costs involved and of course, the benefits of doing so. As a big project that has the potential to increase the value of your property, it’s vital that the necessary considerations are made before making a decision.

In fact, did you know that there are double glazing specialists who offer free, impartial, expert advice on your current windows, and the best options to consider for your new double glazing windows. This gives you the peace of mind that not only are you making the right decision, but you can also take advantage of further professional recommendations too.

Have a look at our buyer’s guide below, which will give you the fundamental information about the types of double glazing windows you can buy, the cost of double glazing and the benefits of installing double glazing in your home.


The Types Of Double Glazing Windows:

UPVC Windows

Perhaps the most popular choice in double glazing, UPVC windows are a cost-effective option for many homes in the UK, and are available in a variety of colours.

Sash Windows

Sash windows are especially suited to period properties, where homeowners choose sash windows to retain the classic appearance of their property whilst adding modern security features.

Bay Windows

Bay windows are made up of sharp angles and three window panes, often used as a focal point within the room they are placed. Large sills produced as a result are also used for a multitude of purposes.

Tilt and Turn Windows

Tilt and turn windows are specifically designed to offer discrete ventilation and ample security, whilst presenting a sophisticated and stylish appearance. Suited to small room and large rooms alike, tilt and turn windows are increasing in demand.

Reversible Windows

Reversible windows are especially popular for rooms with limited square footage, as they offer maximum manoeuvrability without the loss of that all-important room space.

The Cost Of Double Glazing Windows:

The actual cost of double glazing windows varies for a number of different reasons, including but not limited to

  • The number of windows you require
  • The size of windows you require
  • The style of windows you require

Of course, double glazing windows require a sizeable budget to have the work completed professionally. As a result, many double glazing companies offer a range of affordable finance options so that homeowners can take advantage of the benefits of double glazing without having to may full payment upfront.


The Benefits of Double Glazing Windows

Surprising to some homeowners, double glazing windows have a huge list of benefits. These pros include:

Better Insulation

Manufactured to provide better insulation, double glazing windows will keep cool air out & retain heat.

Noise Reduction

Due to their unique insulating properties, double glazing windows also effectively reduce external noise.

Energy Efficiency

As a result of better insulation, your home immediately becomes more energy efficient with double glazing.

Reduced Household Bills

With more heat retained within your home, you will use less energy, resulting in huge savings on household bills.

Long Lasting

Double glazing windows are designed to stand the test of time and can remain in top condition in excess of ten years.

Personal Style

Modern double glazing windows are available in a huge range of colours & styles to meet varying personal requirements.

Add Property Value

With increased energy efficiency and a stylish aesthetic, double glazing windows can certainly add monetary value to your property.

Helpful? We Hope So!

Buying new double glazing windows for your home is a big decision, and you want to get it right. However, investing in double glazing for your home comes with many benefits, and with a huge range of styles, size and finishes to choose from, you change the aesthetic, security, and energy efficiency of your property almost instantly.